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Find licensed general contractors from our network of certified professionals in Montreal for free. We built a one-stop-shop platform to support you throughout your home renovation project.
Tell us about your projectBilldr provides peace of mind to find architects and vetted general contractors quickly.
With their technology dashboard, it is easy to visualize the portfolio of contractors and compare the quotes received.
Billdr is the go-to platform for large home improvement projects over $10,000
Control your home renovation experience from your dashboard
Review contractors' portfolios, including their past projects and client reviews.
Get quotes from vetted general contractors and sign your contract.
Keep track of all invoices in one place.
Follow the budget, change orders, as the project progresses.
We specialize in finding the best professionals in your area to make your project a success.
Accelerate your renovation with Billdr’s one-stop-shop platform: in a few clicks access to vetted architects, general contractors.
Having the opportunity to compare several detailed quotes will allow you to make a more informed decision.
I got excellent service for my kitchen renovation. I found qualified contractors in a timely manner who executed it in perfection.
We used Billdr to renovate our kitchen The service was highly valuable - key for us was: connect with construction professionals and finish the project on time.
I cannot recommend the Billdr service enough! They helped to connect with the right interior designers and the right contractor. I was 100% satisfied.